Tips for Staging Your House to Help it Sell Faster
If you are getting ready to sell your home, you are probably wondering whether to stage it or not. For those not familiar with this concept, staging your home is the process of preparing your home to show to the public for sale. In some cases, this could include things like rearranging furniture, renting furniture, painting your home neutral colors, or adding decor that will appear to the masses. Depersonalizing your home is another way to make your home more appealing so others might envision themselves living in that space. Here, we will talk about the pros and cons of staging your house for future buyers.
Buyers Want to Imagine Themselves in The Space
The process of depersonalizing your home includes taking down family pictures, painting the walls neutral colors, and removing any items of cultural significance. This helps buyers see how they might live in there and make the space their own. This type of staging is relatively low cost and easy for homeowners to do on their own. For the cost of a couple of cans of paint, you can do it yourself and it will give your home a fresh, new feel to potential buyers.
Keep Furniture to Bare-bones Minimum When Staging
Most homeowners don’t realize how much space their furniture requires. If you have an oversized couch or wall unit, consider removing it or replacing it with something more streamlined. Depending on how much you want to invest in the sale of your home, this could include renting more modern or sleek furniture to showcase the square footage of the house. This technique has the added value of revealing to potential buyers the size of the room. Large furniture tends to make a room look smaller and may, in some cases, make it difficult to walk around or through the room. By removing or streamlining furniture, buyers can even measure the space to determine if their furniture might fit in the space.
Fix or Replace Trouble Areas
Are the tiles in the kitchen popping off the walls? Are there any half-finished projects in your home? HGTV has made many home buyers aware that these types of trouble areas can be big-ticket items for new homeowners. Finish all your DIY projects or pay for a professional to come in and get your home up to par. No one wants to walk into someone else’s mistakes or pet projects. These types of things can cause buyers to make a lower offer or be turned off entirely.
Create Atmosphere When Staging
For some buyers, it is hard for them to imagine what they might do with certain areas of the house. Staging the room to look like an office or adding a desk to a nook in the hallway, can help inspire potential buyers for how they might use the space. If you are trying to sell your starter home, consider leaving your baby’s crib in one of the smaller bedrooms so another couple might see how that space worked for you, not that the room is on the smaller side. If you have converted a bedroom into your meditation room, consider returning it to its original purpose. While this may have been a great space for you, to appeal to the most number of buyers, returning the room to its original purpose helps buyers remember how many bedrooms the home has.
Staging your home is a way to add value to your home without costing a lot of money. Buyers are looking for homes that give off a clean, new feel and you can accomplish that with some paint, new or updated furniture, and a little bit of elbow grease. For more information on how we can sell your home, contact us at Signature Properties Group.