5 Expert Tips for a Stress-Free Moving Day
Moving day is an exciting adventure where you get to start fresh in a new home. The act of moving itself can be stressful, but as long as you plan out everything you need to do ahead of time and stay organized, you can make the moving mess manageable.
Here are five tips to ensure you move-in day is as stress-free as possible:
1. Create a Solid Moving Plan Ahead of Time
Moving day is chaotic, but there are several things you can do ahead of time to ensure all plans move forward like a well-oiled machine. As soon as you have “sealed the deal” on your move-in date, decide on whether you are going to hire professional movers to do some or all of the work or if you are going to rent a moving truck and do all the packing and hauling yourself. If you are planning to work with a professional moving company, call to schedule a moving appointment as soon as possible and find out what the rate will be so that you do not have any unforeseen surprises on the big day. Should you decide to do all the moving yourself, be sure to have all the trucks and equipment you need reserved ahead of time.
Other Move-In Day Logistics Considerations
- Plan for whatever Mother Nature throws your way! Check the weather forecast ahead of your move-in day so that you can be prepared for rain, shine, snow, or anything in between. Purchase tarps to cover furnishings and boxes that may be left outside for a period of time if the weather is going to be wet.
- Who is going to help you load and unload heavy items? Whether you are going to have professional movers on-hand or you are going to call in favors from friends and family, be sure that everyone involved RSVPs in a timely manner so you are not stuck doing the heavy lifting yourself.
- Make sure you are ready to go on time. Once you secure your rental moving equipment or the moving company arrives, the clock begins counting down so be ready to load up so you finish on time and avoid extra charges and fees.
2. Get Your Utilities and Paperwork in Order Before Moving Day
As the old saying goes, “The job is not finished until the paperwork is done!” Before moving into your new home, get the utilities set up at your new home and disconnected from your old home so that moving day is as seamless as possible. You can also take the opportunity to send in your change of address to the Post Office and get your driver’s license updated. Make a list of all other odds and ends paperwork that needs to be done after your move is complete.
3. Pack an Overnight Bag to Take with You on Moving Day
No matter how organized you are, moving means that you are going to be swimming in a sea of unpacked boxes and totes for at least a few days, which can make it nearly impossible to find the personal items you need to function. Pack an overnight bag with essential items that you will need for the first few days in your new home so that you know right where to look for them.
Here is a list of items you should consider packing in your overnight bag:
- Toiletries (shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, shaving needs, makeup, toothbrush, and toothpaste)
- Pajamas and loungewear
- Clothing
- Socks and underwear
- Prescription medications
- Pain relievers and allergy medication
- Important documents including insurance forms, contracts, ID, and any other paperwork that is associated with your move
- Eating utensils (if you do not plan to use disposable utensils)
- Electronic device chargers
- Pens, paper, envelopes, and stamps
- Toys for children
- Pet care items
- Other daily use items you cannot live without
4. Be Prepared to Clean
Ideally, you will want to give your new home a scrub down before your actual move-in date, but if this is not possible, be sure to have all the cleaning supplies you need on hand so that you can get to cleaning before unpacking your belongings. Purchase a new mop and broom so that you do not bring in gunk from your old home into your new home. Cleaning supplies are best transported in your personal vehicle, so they do not tip over and spill or get lost in all the stacks of things brought into your new home.
5. Transporting Delicate and Valuable Belongings
The devil is in the details when it comes to getting your delicate belongings from point A to point B safely. Whether your items are valuable collectibles or just hold an emotional place in your heart, these special items should be handled with the utmost care. First, decide if you would feel more comfortable transporting delicate belongings in your personal vehicle or if you are going to travel with the rest of your belongings. Each delicate item should be securely wrapped with bubble wrap or other packaging materials to protect it should it fall or be bounced around while being transported.
Other items to consider transporting in your personal vehicle include:
- Financial documents
- Jewelry
- Laptops and cell phones
- Passports and other personal documents
- Designer label clothes and accessories
Use these tips to ensure your move-in day is met with excitement and joy instead of an overabundance of anxiety. Whether you are moving locally or from across the country, we at Signature Properties Group are here to help make it a stress-free event so you can focus on making your new home perfect, please feel free to contact us today!